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Build Self-Confidence: 4 Ingredients to Achieving Your Success

Build Self-Confidence: 4 Ingredients to Achieving Your Success Oni Lestari Virtual assistant, copywriter, SEO-expert April 3, 2024 | Remote Working Tips Do you ever look at others and feel like they have it all figured out, while you’re left questioning your every move? This constant battle between self-doubt and self-confidence can be exhausting. But what if we told you that unshakeable confidence is within your reach? This article will explore the root causes of self-doubt, embracing imperfections, and cultivating self-love. Are you ready to unlock your inner confidence and become your best version? Let’s dive in and explore these powerful tools for building unshakeable self-belief. Table of Contents: Self-Confidence VS. Self-Doubt Self-confidence and self-doubt are like two sides of a penny. There’s a side when we want to start a new business, we might see success in the future. But on the other side when we want to do it, we’re afraid someone will ask “Your major is electrical engineering, why are you doing that?”. Or when we want to upload our content and grow personal branding, we’re afraid someone from our office will judge us. It’s like we have a thought that “Hey, this is the path, this is what you could go down” and there’s also a thought that tells us “No, don’t go, stay in the cave, stay in your comfort zone.” So, let’s discuss where that self-doubt comes from and how to build self-confidence. Learn how to silence that inner critic and unleash the power within, allowing you to confidently pursue your goals and dreams with these 4 steps. #1 Stop Overthinking We all fall victim to overthinking sometimes. But even though our thoughts are powerful, they are not always facts. Our brains are constantly generating thoughts to interpret the world around us. The problem is we often mistake these thoughts for reality. This is where self-doubt creeps in. That nagging voice telling us “You can’t do this” is fueled by negative thought patterns. It’s not our feelings or the situation itself, but the way we think about them, that creates our emotional state and potentially hinders our actions. If your inner critic comes in when you want to do something, you could challenge that thought by asking yourself, “Have I met most of the requirements? Can I learn the rest quickly?” Then you could take action by updating your knowledge, skills, and experiences, then doing what you need to do with confidence! But if you’ve met the requirements, just do it! Here’s why overthinking is counterproductive:Fear of failure: You need to keep in mind that you can’t predict the outcome of your work, failure or success is not in your hand. You can try again if you fail, but if you don’t try you have to live with the regret forever.Unrealistic expectations: You compare yourself to others and create unrealistic goals, setting yourself up for disappointment. Because there’s no such thing called overnight success.Perfectionism: The pursuit of perfection becomes a barrier to progress. It’s okay to start imperfectly and iterate as you go. As Reid Hoffman, co-founder of Linkedin, famously said, “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” Remember, self-doubt is a common human experience. By recognizing its source in your thoughts, and learning to challenge them, you can break free from overthinking and take control of your life. #2 Stop Comparing Yourself The age of social media highlights everyone’s “best life”, creating the illusion that others possess something mysterious we lack. Scrolling through Instagram feeds or comparing ourselves to colleagues can fuel the belief that “they have it all”, more money, time, or support. This constant comparison fuels negativity and makes us feel inferior. The truth is, constantly comparing ourselves to others rewires our brains for negativity. Our brains, wired for efficiency, tend to repeat patterns. The more we compare, the more rooted the negativity cycle becomes. It doesn’t matter if we just got a promotion or have a great relationship, that feeling of positivity can be overshadowed by underlying negative self-belief. External validation, like compliments or achievements, doesn’t create lasting confidence because it doesn’t address the root cause: our thoughts about ourselves. Instead of letting those negative thoughts simmer, acknowledge your feelings and then reframe them. Tell yourself, “Everyone has different strengths. Maybe I can learn from them and improve my own.” You could also congratulate them and ask for some pointers. Here’s how to stop comparing and build confidence: Shift your focus. Instead of comparing your journey to someone else’s highlight reels, focus on your path. Celebrate your progress, big and small. Challenge your thoughts. When the comparison monster whispers doubts, question its validity. Are these thoughts based on reality or just fear? Build confidence from within. Confidence comes from self-belief, not external achievements. Invest in activities that build your self-worth and positive self-image. And always remember that your life is a unique journey. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on becoming the best version of yourself.   #3 Know Yourself, Know Your Worth How well do we truly know ourselves? In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in external distractions, constantly evaluating and comparing ourselves to others. We may find ourselves neglecting the most important journey of all: self-discovery. The truth is, life isn’t about what’s outside of us, but what’s within. When we focus too much on external factors, we lose sight of our true selves. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and lack of inner peace. The antidote to this is self-confidence. This is when we know and accept ourselves fully, we can navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. We can make decisions aligned with our values and live a life that is authentic and meaningful. When we truly know ourselves, we can accept our strengths and weaknesses, our unique personality traits, and our past experiences. This acceptance leads to greeted self-confidence and a more positive self-image. You might be a great writer,

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