Opportunistic or Specialized? How Abigail Found Success as a VA

Opportunistic or Specialized? How Abigail Found Success as a VA Athika Rahma SEO Specialist Virtual Assistant at SGBVA February 14, 2025 Alumni Stories Becoming a Virtual Assistant (VA) opens up a world of opportunities—flexible work, international clients, and the freedom to shape your own career. But for beginners, there’s often one big question: should you say yes to every job that comes your way to build experience, or is it wiser to focus on one niche and establish yourself as an expert? Both paths have their own challenges, and finding the right approach often involves trial and error. Abigail, an alumnus of the SGB VA Course batch 15, knows this struggle well. She once faced the same dilemma before finding the strategy that worked best for her. How Abigail Started Her VA Journey Abigail first came across the VA world through an SGB VA Course advertisement on social media. “At that time, I was actively looking for a course that matched my interests. When I saw an ad about working from home with a salary in dollars, I was immediately intrigued,” she recalled. Before that moment, she had never even heard of Virtual Assistance. And with so much misinformation about VA jobs online—especially concerns about scams—she hesitated. But her desire for a flexible work-from-home career ultimately convinced her to take the leap. After completing the course and learning the ropes, Abigail started searching for clients on Upwork. She landed her first client from Saudi Arabia, but the project was short-lived. Like many new VAs, she initially took on any job she could find. Her goal at the time was simple: earn some extra income and make use of her free time outside of her office job. But as time went on, she realized that this approach wasn’t as effective as she had hoped. “I was struggling to build a strong personal brand because I was trying to do too many things at once,” she admitted. Read more: Story of Ebi: From 8+ Years as a Nurse to Social Media Manager in the Medical Field The Reality of Being an Opportunistic VA At first, saying “yes” to everything seemed like a smart move. Abigail got hands-on experience with different types of VA tasks and gained insight into various industries. But there was a downside: her portfolio lacked focus, and she found it difficult to market herself effectively. “I used to accept all kinds of jobs. But because my work wasn’t specialized, my portfolio felt all over the place. That made it harder to attract the right clients,” she explained. Being a generalist VA does have its perks. It offers flexibility—you can take on a variety of tasks and adapt to changing market demands. But it also has its drawbacks. Without a clear niche, it’s tough to stand out. Abigail learned that while she was capable of handling multiple tasks, clients often preferred specialists—especially for more complex, high-value projects. Finding Her Specialization After struggling to market herself as a jack-of-all-trades VA, Abigail decided to shift gears and focus on branding and email marketing. “The course helped me understand how to promote myself and build a business mindset. That’s when I realized that success isn’t just about having skills—it’s about having the right strategy,” she said. She started honing her expertise in email marketing, diving deep into audience segmentation, copywriting, and campaign strategies. Over time, she became skilled in creating email content, setting up automation, and analyzing campaign performance. By narrowing her focus to branding and email marketing, she was finally able to build a more structured and targeted portfolio—one that made it easier for clients to see her true value. Read more: Work from Home but Earn Dollars: Ardin’s Success Story in Getting 9 Clients The Biggest Shift in Her Career One of the most eye-opening realizations Abigail had was about business itself. Before becoming a VA, she believed that building a business required a large investment and years of experience. But through her journey, she learned that sometimes, all it takes is an idea and the determination to see it through. “The rest? You learn and improve along the way,” she said. She also became more intentional about finding the right clients. Instead of accepting any job that came her way, she became selective, making sure that every project she took on aligned with her career goals. With this new clarity, she not only started attracting better clients but also gained the confidence to market herself as a true expert in her field. “Thank God, earlier this month, I started working with my second client,” she shared. Beyond just skills, Abigail realized that being a VA is also about networking and community. She actively participates in VA groups and forums, engages in discussions, and shares her experiences with others. Being part of the SGB VA community also played a big role in keeping her motivated. “Seeing so many experienced VAs still eager to learn and grow pushes me to keep improving. That has been one of the most inspiring parts of this journey,” she added. Abigail’s Tips for Aspiring VAs Abigail believes that whether you choose to be a generalist or a specialist depends on your personal goals. However, based on her experience, she strongly recommends focusing on a niche. Here are her key takeaways: Don’t be overly opportunistic – Taking on too many random jobs can make your portfolio look scattered and unfocused. Pick a niche and stick to it – Choose a field that excites you or plays to your strengths, and invest time in mastering it. Build a solid portfolio – A clear specialization makes it easier for clients to recognize your expertise and trust you with high-value projects. Learn how to market yourself – The right marketing strategies will help you attract clients who genuinely need your services. Read more: From Doubt to Confidence: Rifka’s Story of Becoming a Virtual Assistant Become a Specialist VA That Clients Need For those who love variety and adaptability, being
Jadi Virtual Assistant Sambil Kerja Kantoran? Bisa! Annisa Buktinya

Jadi Virtual Assistant Sambil Kerja Kantoran? Bisa! Annisa Buktinya Athika Rahma SEO Specialist Virtual Assistant at SGBVA January 17, 2025 Alumni Stories Banyak pekerja kantoran merasa terjebak dalam rutinitas harian, dengan jam kerja yang ketat dan pendapatan tetap yang sering kali tidak mencukupi kebutuhan tambahan. Namun, Annisa Balqis Widyaningtyas (Batch 5) berhasil menemukan solusi melalui pekerjaan sebagai Virtual Assistant (VA). Tidak hanya memberikan fleksibilitas waktu, pekerjaan ini juga berpotensi memberikan penghasilan yang bahkan lebih tinggi dari pekerjaan utamanya. Bagi Annisa, menjadi VA adalah cara untuk memanfaatkan waktu luangnya secara produktif sambil tetap menjalankan pekerjaannya sebagai HR support. Dengan bekal keterampilan dasar dan semangat untuk belajar, ia membuktikan bahwa pekerjaan ini tidak hanya bisa menjadi sampingan tetapi juga peluang untuk kebebasan finansial yang lebih besar. Daftar Isi Menemukan Jalan Baru di Dunia Digital Pada mulanya, Annisa menjalani karier yang cukup tradisional di bidang HR. Dengan jam kerja dari pukul 08.30 hingga 17.30 WIB, Anisa menjalani rutinitas yang cukup padat. Namun, alih-alih hanya beristirahat setelah bekerja, Anisa memilih untuk menambah penghasilan dari pekerjaan yang sebenarnya, gajinya sudah cukup baik. “Saya mulai merasa bahwa ada jam-jam kosong yang bisa saya gunakan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu. Lalu, terpikirkanlah untuk menjadi VA,” katanya. Annisa pun mulai menyadari keberadaan SGB VA dan tertarik menjalankan kursus di sana. Di tengah banyaknya beritanya yang menyatakan SGB VA penipuan, Annisa tetap mencoba mengambil kursus di sini. Selama kursus, Annisa mempelajari keterampilan baru seperti menggunakan tools produktivitas digital dan memahami kebutuhan klien internasional. “SGB VA membantu saya memulai dari nol. Saya belajar tentang cara bekerja dengan klien asing, mengatur proyek, dan menggunakan tools seperti Trello dan Slack,” tambahnya. Kenapa Annisa Memilih Jadi VA? Bagi Annisa, fleksibilitas adalah salah satu daya tarik terbesar pekerjaan sebagai VA. “Dengan menjadi VA, saya bisa bekerja dari mana saja. Tidak perlu menghadiri kantor secara fisik, dan itu sangat membantu mengatur waktu antara pekerjaan utama dan pekerjaan sampingan,” jelasnya. Ia juga merasa bahwa pekerjaan ini memberikan peluang untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan memperluas jaringan. “Saya belajar hal-hal yang tidak saya temui di pekerjaan HR, seperti bagaimana mengelola akun media sosial klien dan menggunakan alat desain grafis sederhana,” tuturnya. Baca Juga: Cerita Laila: Resign dari Kerja Kantoran dan Jadi VA dengan 5 Klien Tantangan dalam Mengelola Waktu Tentu saja, menjalankan dua pekerjaan tidak selalu mudah. “Pagi hari biasanya saya fokus pada pekerjaan HR. Saat makan siang atau ketika pekerjaan utama agak longgar, saya mulai mengecek pekerjaan VA. Setelah pulang kantor, saya menyelesaikan tugas-tugas untuk klien hingga malam hari,” ceritanya. Dengan klien yang tersebar di berbagai zona waktu, tantangan utamanya adalah menyesuaikan waktu kerja. “Ada klien saya dari Eropa yang baru aktif bekerja saat malam hari di Indonesia. Kadang saya harus stay online hingga tengah malam untuk berkoordinasi,” katanya. Namun, Annisa merasa semua itu sepadan dengan hasil yang didapatkan. Belajar dari Klien Internasional Annisa bekerja dengan klien dari berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia, Jerman, dan Singapura. Pengalaman ini memberinya wawasan baru tentang budaya kerja lintas negara. “Saya jadi paham bahwa setiap klien punya cara komunikasi yang berbeda. Misalnya, klien dari Eropa cenderung lebih to the point, sedangkan klien lokal lebih mengutamakan pendekatan personal,” ujarnya. Selain itu, ia juga belajar banyak dari proyek-proyek yang dikerjakannya. “Setiap tugas memberikan tantangan baru, dan itu membuat saya terus berkembang. Saya merasa lebih percaya diri karena bisa menangani kebutuhan klien dengan standar internasional,” tambahnya. Penghasilan Annisa Sebagai VA Sebagai VA, Annisa mengelola berbagai layanan, mulai dari administrasi, manajemen proyek, hingga penulisan konten. Dengan penghasilan yang cukup menjanjikan, pekerjaan ini memberikan kebebasan finansial lebih untuk mewujudkan impian. “Salah satu target saya adalah memiliki tabungan untuk menikah. Saya juga ingin memiliki fleksibilitas waktu yang lebih besar di masa depan,” katanya. Penghasilan sebagai VA, meskipun tidak instan, memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. “Saya bisa mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan yang melebihi UMR terbesar di Indonesia. Ini sangat membantu untuk kebutuhan-kebutuhan ekstra,” ungkapnya. Baca Juga: Kisah Sukses Ardin Kerja Jadi Virtual Assistant dari Rumah: Dapat 9 Klien dan Bergaji Dolar Lebih Memahami Teknologi Menjadi VA juga membuat Annisa lebih akrab dengan teknologi. “Ada banyak tools yang saya gunakan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, seperti Canva untuk desain, Hootsuite untuk manajemen media sosial, dan platform AI untuk mempercepat pekerjaan,” jelasnya. Selain itu, ia merasa beruntung bergabung di komunitas VA seperti SGB VA. “Dukungan dari komunitas sangat membantu, terutama saat saya merasa kesulitan di awal perjalanan ini.” Annisa juga menyebut pentingnya menjaga komunikasi yang baik dengan klien. “Selain keterampilan teknis, memahami budaya kerja klien itu krusial. Saya belajar banyak tentang cara membangun hubungan profesional yang saling menghargai,” tambahnya. Tips untuk Para VA Pemula Bagi kamu yang baru ingin memulai karier sebagai VA, Annisa membagikan beberapa tips penting: Manfaatkan Platform Belajar: Mulailah dengan platform seperti SGB VA untuk mempelajari keterampilan yang dibutuhkan. Pelajari alat-alat seperti Trello, Slack, dan Canva untuk menunjang pekerjaan. Manajemen Waktu: Jika kamu memiliki pekerjaan utama, pastikan untuk mengatur waktu dengan baik. Gunakan jam kosong di sela pekerjaan utama untuk menyelesaikan tugas VA. Bergabung dengan Komunitas: Temukan komunitas yang mendukung perjalananmu, sehingga kamu dapat berbagi pengalaman dan mendapatkan bantuan saat menghadapi kesulitan. Pahami Klien Internasional: Pelajari budaya kerja dan kebutuhan klien dari berbagai negara. Ini akan membuatmu lebih fleksibel dan dihargai. Jangan Takut Mencoba: Jangan khawatir jika kamu merasa belum ahli. Mulai saja, karena pengalaman adalah guru terbaik. Baca Juga: Kisah Intan Hidupkan Kembali Impiannya: Dari Ibu Rumah Tangga, Kini Jadi VA Bergaji Dolar Ingin Jadi Seperti Annisa? Bagi Annisa, menjadi VA bukan sekadar pekerjaan sampingan, tetapi juga langkah awal menuju kemungkinan baru. Ia bahkan mempertimbangkan untuk menjadikan VA sebagai karier utama di masa depan. “Saya merasa pekerjaan ini sesuai dengan tren zaman. Selain fleksibel, pekerjaan ini juga memungkinkan saya untuk terus belajar dan berkembang,” katanya. Meskipun saat ini Annisa masih menikmati keseimbangan antara dunia HR dan VA, ia tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk fokus sepenuhnya pada pekerjaan remote di kemudian hari. “Remote working memberikan peluang besar untuk bekerja dengan klien dari seluruh dunia tanpa harus meninggalkan Indonesia. Itu sangat menarik bagi saya,” tuturnya. Kamu juga ingin mengikuti jejak Annisa? Mulailah dengan menghadiri webinar gratis SGB VA dimana kamu akan mendapatkan insight bermanfaat tentang dunia
How Laila Left Her 9-to-5 for a Flexible Career as a Virtual Assistant

How Laila Left Her 9-to-5 for a Flexible Career as a Virtual Assistant Athika Rahma SEO Specialist Virtual Assistant at SGBVA January 12, 2025 Alumni Stories Have you ever felt exhausted by your daily routine? Waking up early, getting stuck in traffic, coming home late, and feeling drained before your day even starts? That’s exactly what Laila Rahma, a 29-year-old woman from Bandung, experienced before she decided to leave her office job and become a Virtual Assistant (VA). In this article… A Life-Changing Decision Laila used to work at a leading skincare company in Indonesia, where her last position was as a Creative Supervisor. Her salary was enough to cover her daily needs and save for the future. Plus, she had wonderful colleagues. However, after six years of working at three different companies, Laila felt it was time to leave the 9-to-5 grind. “It wasn’t a specific moment that made me think, ‘I need to quit now.’ It was more the daily exhaustion from spending hours on the road. By the time I got to the office, I was already drained, and when I got home, I just wanted to rest, even though there was so much else to do,” Laila shared with SGB VA. Making the decision to quit wasn’t easy. She often wondered, “If I don’t work in an office, what will I do? How will I earn money? What if I end up missing the office environment?” But with her husband’s full support, Laila finally found the courage to resign. “The decision was more about finding peace. I didn’t want to live my life in a constant rush. I wanted time for myself and my family,” she explained. Discovering Opportunities as a Virtual Assistant (VA) After quitting her job, Laila realized she still needed an income but didn’t want to return to the office life. She started exploring ways to work from home and stumbled upon a VA course that promised skills for remote work. Initially, she was skeptical. “I thought, ‘What if this SGB VA thing is a scam?’” But after doing her research—looking into the course founder, reading testimonials from alumni, and learning about their backgrounds—she decided to give it a shot. The course lasted six weeks. During that time, Laila not only learned new skills but also built a network with like-minded individuals. “Besides learning, I made new friends. After completing the course, even though I still lacked confidence, I managed to get two clients just two weeks later,” she shared enthusiastically. Making the Dream of Remote Work a Reality Today, Laila is living her dream of working from anywhere. As a successful VA, she offers services like social media management, content creation, and voice-over work. Interestingly, many of these skills were things she already did at her office job, so transitioning to a remote career wasn’t as challenging as she had imagined. The difference now is that she can use these skills in a more flexible and fulfilling way. “I used to work a strict 9-to-5 schedule in an office,” Laila explained. “Now, I can work from anywhere—even while tidying up the house or cooking for my husband. I’m no longer tied to a desk or a long commute. I can plan my day and have time for what truly matters. This is my dream come true,” she said proudly. In addition to the freedom of working from home, Laila has achieved something many struggle with: work-life balance. She used to rush between the office and home, barely having time to relax or spend with her family. Now, she has the flexibility to manage both in a more satisfying way. Her husband even challenged her to match her previous office salary with remote work earnings. At first, Laila was doubtful, but she accepted the challenge. Now, not only has she met the target—she has exceeded it. “I actually earn more than before, and more importantly, I have control over my time. I can prioritize my health, family, and personal interests—things I could never do while working in an office,” she explained. Laila has successfully built a remote business and now manages five clients—a remarkable achievement for someone who once doubted her ability to work independently! For Those Who Are Still Hesitant Laila has an important message for anyone hesitant about pursuing remote work, especially if you’re worried about scams or struggling to find clients. “Don’t be afraid to try! Always strive to improve yourself so you can increase your value and attract the right clients,” she advised. She also recommends having clients lined up before resigning. Laila herself only decided to quit her job after securing three clients, which gave her the confidence and security to take the leap. “The key is preparation. I don’t recommend rushing into it because that will only make you more anxious. So, trust the process,” Laila added. Want to Start a Career Like Laila’s? If you feel stuck in the 9-to-5 routine and wonder if it’s time for a change, you can learn from Laila’s journey. Don’t be afraid to try, and most importantly, make sure you prepare yourself well! For those interested in becoming a VA like Laila, you can start by gaining insights from Tania Gromenko, an SGB VA mentor, through a free webinar. In this webinar, you’ll learn what it means to be a VA, the skills you need, and how to succeed as a VA in just six weeks. Register now by clicking the link below! Ready for More? Join Our Free Webinar! Together with our mentor, Tania Gromeko, you will be guided to start a career as a virtual assistant. Click the button and register right now! Join Free Webinar Explore Paid Course
Turning Crisis to Opportunity: How Health Challenges Led Wirda to a Thriving VA Career

Turning Crisis to Opportunity: How Health Challenges Led Wirda to a Thriving VA Career Athika Rahma SEO Specialist Virtual Assistant at SGBVA December 5, 2024 Category Life often takes us down unexpected paths, especially when challenges force us to rethink our priorities. For Wirda, a former special education teacher in Malaysia, a health crisis led her to discover the Virtual Assistant (VA) world. Seeking flexibility to heal and care for her family, she found a career that allowed her to work remotely while utilizing her diverse skill set. In this article, we will explore Wirda’s journey—from her early career in teaching and freelancing to her transition into a VA. In this article… Health Issues Forced Wirda to Stay at Home Before becoming a virtual assistant, Wirda’s life revolved around teaching and freelancing. She had spent years working as a special education teacher in Selangor, Malaysia, helping students with learning disabilities. Alongside her teaching job, she explored freelancing since the year 2000, gaining experience in administration, marketing, public relations, project management, and research. “I’ve always been passionate about helping others, whether it was students or businesses,” she said, reflecting on her journey. But in 2019, everything changed. Wirda had been living with health issues since childhood, but in April 2019, she experienced a significant medical scare. “I woke up with pain in my head, and after an MRI, the doctors discovered blood clots in my brain,” she recalled. Despite the clots not being dangerous, the doctors diagnosed her with a stroke, and her right arm became numb. She struggled with basic tasks and even lost her voice for a time. “I couldn’t teach, couldn’t go back to school, and that’s when I knew something had to change.” With a long road to recovery ahead of her, Wirda sought a career that offered flexibility. “I needed to heal, stay at home, and still earn an income,” she said. That’s when she stumbled upon the idea of becoming a virtual assistant. Also read: From Home to Hustle: Intan’s Journey of Reviving Her Dreams The Turning Point for Wirda’s Career At first, Wirda was skeptical about the idea of remote work. She had seen an ad for SGB VA and wondered if it was a scam. However, after attending a few webinars, she became intrigued. “I saw Tania, the founder of SGBVA, and thought, if she can do it, why can’t I?” Tanya’s success in Singapore despite her Russian background inspired Wirda to push forward. Recovering from multiple surgeries and speech therapy, Wirda still faced challenges like typing with her right (dominant) hand. But her determination to make the transition paid off. She enrolled in the SGB VA program and began learning the ropes of the VA world. Choosing Experience Over Immediate Payment as a Virtual Assistant During her training in SGB VA, Wirda learned a valuable lesson: collaboration over competition. “When you collaborate, you achieve more than when you compete,” she said. This mindset was crucial for Wirda, helping her overcome anxiety and find success. To build experience, she started offering her services for free. “I offered a 10-hour free trial to clients, just to get feedback and referrals. I wasn’t looking for immediate payment, just experience,” she explained. And that’s how her business began to grow. Through word-of-mouth and referrals, Wirda’s reputation spread. “Tanya told me to look within my own circle—family, friends, and their networks—and that’s exactly what I did.” She specializes in administrative tasks like email management, calendar management, and webinar coordination. Although she is capable of handling social media management and basic graphic design, her true passion lies in administrative work. “It just fits my skills and my personality,” she said. Also read: From 10 Years in Hospitality Industry to High-Paying Virtual Assistant: Mellika’s Journey Finally Finding Flexibility and Earning from Home For Wirda, becoming a Virtual Assistant has been a game-changer. Not only has it given her the chance to work from home, but it’s also opened up the possibility of earning money on her own terms. Sure, the journey hasn’t been without its bumps—like adjusting to the remote work world—but the rewards have been worth it. Right now, she works on a project basis or offers hourly packages, charging about $10 USD per hour. “For 10 hours, I can make around RM450, and for 20 hours, it’s about RM900,” she explained. While it’s not quite the income level she’s aiming for yet, the beauty of being a VA is the flexibility to grow at her own pace. Wirda’s focused on building her skills and expanding her client base, all while enjoying the freedom to work from home and support her family. And with each step, she’s getting closer to the financial success she envisions. Advice for Aspiring Virtual Assistants For anyone considering a career as a Virtual Assistant, Wirda has some advice: “Take time to reflect and ask yourself if remote work fits your lifestyle. It’s not for everyone, but with determination, anyone can succeed.” She also emphasizes the importance of specialization. “If you’re interested in graphic design, take courses in Adobe Photoshop or Canva. If administrative work is your thing, look for office management or personal assistant training,” she advised. Building credibility is also the key. “If you deliver high-quality work and build a strong reputation, clients will refer you. I didn’t use social media much for marketing. My clients came through referrals, and that worked well for me,” she shared. Also read: From Doubt to Confidence: Rifka’s Story of Becoming a Virtual Assistant Wanna Follow Wirda’s Journey? For Wirda, becoming a Virtual Assistant wasn’t just a career change—it was a lifeline. The freedom to heal, work from home, and still support her family has made all the difference. “I hope the VA profession continues to grow and gain recognition as a respected career, just like doctors or lawyers,” she said with confidence. If you’re inspired by Wirda’s story and want to start your own journey toward remote work, why not take the first step?
From 10 Years in Hospitality Industry to High-Paying Virtual Assistant: Mellika’s Journey

From 10 Years in Hospitality Industry to High-Paying Virtual Assistant: Mellika’s Journey Athika Rahma SEO Specialist Virtual Assistant at SGBVA December 2, 2024 Category It’s always inspiring to hear the stories of those who took a leap of faith to change their career path and succeeded in doing so. Mellika is a perfect example of this kind of transformation. After spending nearly 10 years in the hospitality industry, she made the bold decision to shift gears and become a Virtual Assistant (VA). Here, she shared her personal story of how she navigated this transition, what motivated her to make the change, and how she’s been thriving in her new career! A Decade in Hospitality Before Becoming a VA Before becoming a VA, Mellika was immersed in the hospitality industry for almost 10 years. She worked tirelessly in an environment that demanded both physical presence and hands-on interaction. But despite her love for the industry, she knew deep down that her path was meant to change. “I worked in hospitality until I decided to go full-time as a VA,” Mellika shared. She was ready for something new, something that would allow her to learn more, grow her skills, and find more flexibility in her career. Little did she know, the pandemic would soon play a major role in this change. The pivotal moment came during the pandemic. Mellika’s job in the travel sector was affected by widespread layoffs, and the company where she worked in Singapore shut down. “I was lost and frustrated,” she said. The hospitality industry, like so many others, was hit hard by the pandemic, and Mellika wasn’t sure where her next job would come from. That’s when her husband, who worked in IT, introduced her to the world of remote work and Virtual Assistance. “He told me about platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer,” she explained. Curious, Mellika started exploring what it meant to be a VA and soon realized this could be the perfect way forward for her. What Motivated Mellika to Become a VA? Mellika’s passion for learning and growing was a key factor in her decision to become a VA. She had always loved acquiring new skills and was especially drawn to digital marketing. “I love learning new things, like digital marketing. I started learning skills like email marketing, content creation, social media management, and even delved into AI,” Mellika revealed. For her, being a VA wasn’t just about taking on a new job; it was about applying these newly acquired skills in real-world settings. “I realized that I wanted to help businesses look more attractive online. Being a VA allows me to use these skills and continue growing.” What also excited her was the variety that came with the job. “I love the flexibility and creativity, and the opportunity to work with clients from different niches means my work is never boring,” she said. Enrolling in SGB VA After working as a remote worker for 2 years, Mellika knew she needed to invest in herself and her career if she wanted to become a successful VA. That’s when she discovered the SGB VA program. “I wanted to add more value to my work, so I started comparing online courses and joining free webinars,” she recalled. After much research, Mellika decided that SGB VA was the right fit for her. The program offered everything she was looking for. Practical materials, experienced mentors, and a supportive alumni community. “The course materials, mentors, and community support were exactly what I needed to develop further as a VA,” she said. Mellika credits much of her success as a VA to the lessons she learned at SGB VA, especially when it came to building a solid portfolio and approaching clients effectively. “The most valuable things I learned were how to prepare a strong portfolio and how to approach clients in a professional and efficient way,” she said. These skills helped her stand out and gain the confidence to communicate more effectively with potential clients. Today, Mellika offers a variety of services, specializing in email marketing, copywriting, and SEO. “But I’m not stopping here,” she added. “I’m always learning and expanding my skills in digital marketing. Who knows, I might offer even more services in the future!” Her commitment to continual learning is what keeps her at the top of her game. How Mellika Landed Her First VA Client Like many starting out in the VA world, Mellika’s journey began with building her profile on several platforms. “The first thing I did was create a profile on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. I started applying to jobs that matched my skills and experience at that time,” she explained. She landed a data entry position—but it was a stepping stone. From there, she continued to build her experience and grow her client base. While Mellika admitted her earnings weren’t much higher in the beginning, she acknowledged that her value had grown significantly since then. “My income may not be drastically higher than when I first started, but now my value is higher. I can earn a decent income while working just a few hours a day. The best part is that I have more time to spend with my family,” she shared. Advice for Aspiring VAs For anyone considering a career as a VA but feeling unsure, Mellika has some valuable advice: “Do as much research as you can. Make sure being a VA aligns with your values, and think about whether you can manage your time effectively. Are your skills a good fit for the current job market? Once you’re sure, commit to the path and never give up. Keep learning and growing, because the competition is only getting tougher.” Mellika’s journey from hospitality to becoming a high-paying VA is proof that with the right mindset, determination, and willingness to learn, anyone can pivot their career and find success. It’s all about embracing new opportunities, adapting to change, and taking the first step toward something better. Change Your
From Doubt to Confidence: Rifka’s Story of Becoming a Virtual Assistant

From Doubt to Confidence: Rifka’s Story of Becoming a Virtual Assistant Athika Rahma SEO Specialist Virtual Assistant at SGBVA November 15, 2024 Alumni Stories Who would have thought that behind every seemingly simple decision, there’s a huge opportunity waiting to be discovered? That’s exactly what Rifka experienced when she decided to become a Virtual Assistant (VA). From feeling uncertain to finding comfort in a job she never imagined doing, Rifka shares her inspiring journey of how she took the leap into the digital world. Her story could be just the motivation you need to take your own first step! In this article… From Uncertainty to a Bold Decision Rifka started her journey with a lot of doubts. After spending 4-5 years as a stay-at-home mom, selling dresses, kids’ toys, and other items online to help support her family, Rifka felt unsure about returning to the workforce full-time. Her life had shifted to a more flexible schedule, and she wasn’t sure if she could step back into a full-time career. But everything changed when she first heard about becoming a Virtual Assistant (VA). At first, she was intrigued by the idea of being a VA, but also felt there were many barriers in her way. One of her biggest concerns was her English. “English was always a huge hurdle for me. I didn’t feel confident,” Rifka recalled, reflecting on her early days. But everything changed when she attended the SGB VA webinar. That’s when things started to click for her. “Tania said, ‘You don’t need to be great to start, but you need to start to be great.’ That really stuck with me,” Rifka said. It was the encouragement she needed to begin her journey, even though she didn’t feel perfect. Overcoming Fears and Gaining Confidence One of the biggest roadblocks for Rifka was her fear of English. However, after participating in the webinar, she was pleasantly surprised to discover that she could follow along just fine. “I could understand what they were saying. Turns out, my English was good enough to get started,” she recalls. Rifka realized that all along, she’d been letting her fear of not being fluent hold her back, when in reality, with practice and continued learning, she could improve over time. “Once you start, you learn as you go. Most of the barriers are all in our heads, and once we take the first step, things start to make sense,” she said. Another thing Rifka had to get over was the belief that she needed a specific academic background to become a VA. But in the SGB VA webinar, she discovered that having a specific degree wasn’t necessary. “As long as you’re willing to learn and develop your skills, you’re good to go,” she addeds. This was a huge relief for her. She realized that anyone with the right mindset and determination could become a successful VA. Starting at the Right Time A pivotal moment in Rifka’s decision-making process was when she realized the digital world was moving quickly. “I was living with my parents, my kids were still young, and I still had savings,” she explaineds. This moment felt like the perfect opportunity to act. If she didn’t start now, she worried it might become even harder to make the leap later. “If I keep putting it off, the world is going to keep moving faster, and I’ll be left behind,” she said. When she thought about the VA world, Rifka saw it as a growing field that could offer a stable future. “This is a fast-growing industry, and if I don’t jump in now, I’ll miss out. I can’t let that happen,” she explained. Choosing to Focus on Social Media Management (SMM) Initially, Rifka thought she would start as a VA doing administrative work since it seemed like the easiest entry point. However, after taking the SGBVA course, she discovered that there was one area in high demand that she felt more comfortable with: Social Media Management (SMM). “Why SMM? Because it’s in high demand. Almost every online business needs a presence on social media,” she said. Rifka also felt more at ease with social media because she had already spent a lot of time using platforms like Instagram. She had a basic understanding of the patterns and strategies behind it. “I already knew how to create engaging posts, write captions, and edit videos. It felt like the perfect fit for me,” she beamed. Rifka’s decision to focus on SMM turned out to be spot-on. The online business world relies heavily on social media to build brand presence and reach customers, and Rifka knew she could offer valuable support in this area. She was confident that this was a niche where she could make a real impact. Rifka’s First Client Rifka’s very first client wasn’t from a far-off country—it was actually someone she knew from her university days! Her university senior, whom she had kept in touch with, became her first client. This was a huge confidence boost for Rifka. That first client gave her a sense of validation. It proved that with the right approach and determination, opportunities could come from the most unexpected places. However, Rifka’s journey wasn’t always smooth sailing. Her next opportunity was with a potential client from the UK, and this one didn’t land quite as easily as she hoped. “I thought I was bothering them too much by asking about payment and the contract. I was so worried that I was being too pushy,” she admitted. But that’s when Rifka realized she had to change her mindset. Instead of focusing on the business side of things first, she decided to approach the situation from a place of service. “I thought to myself, ‘I’m here to help. My goal is to solve their problems, not just to make a sale.’” Once she shifted her focus to genuinely helping her clients and offering value first, everything started to fall into place. Soon after this mindset shift, Rifka successfully landed
From Home to Hustle: Intan’s Journey of Reviving Her Dreams

From Home to Hustle: Intan’s Journey of Reviving Her Dreams Athika Rahma SEO Specialist Virtual Assistant at SGBVA October 28, 2024 Alumni Stories Meet Intan Munawwaroh, a mother, a housewife, and now a successful Virtual Assistant (VA) working with clients from around the globe. Her journey is an inspiring story of growth, learning, and self-actualization. From running a local shop and managing her household to becoming a remote worker who collaborates with international clients, Intan’s path is proof that anyone can change their career trajectory with determination and the right opportunities. But how did it all begin? Let’s dive into her story! In this article… Before Finding the SGB VA Course Before becoming a VA, Intan lived what she described as a “regular” life as a housewife and shop owner. She was busy managing her household and taking care of her children. Her days revolved around the responsibilities of motherhood, the daily grind of running her shop, and maintaining her family’s needs. “I was living a simple life. It was just my husband, my kids, and the shop’s customers,” she shared. While Intan was grateful for the life she had, she always felt a longing for something more. “I wasn’t ungrateful, but deep down, I felt like I could do more. I wanted to feel alive, to do something that gave me purpose outside of just being a mom and a shop owner,” she added. Like many mothers, Intan felt torn between the joy of taking care of her family and the need to fulfill her personal ambitions. However, she didn’t know where to start, especially with limited time and no previous experience in the digital world. How Intan Discovered the SGB VA Program Intan’s breakthrough moment came from a friend, who happened to be a fellow alumnus of the SGB VA course. This friend recognized Intan’s potential and suggested she try the course, which turned out to be a life-changing recommendation. “A friend of mine, who was also an SGB VA alum, connected me with my first client from Singapore. That’s when it all started,” Intan recalls with excitement. As someone who wasn’t even active on social media before, stepping into the world of virtual assistance felt intimidating. “I didn’t even know much about social media, let alone think I’d be managing it for clients,” she admits. However, she saw this as an opportunity to learn new skills and start something fresh. The SGB VA course became the perfect stepping stone for Intan. The structured guidance, practical lessons, and support system provided her with the foundation she needed to navigate the VA world. The program not only introduced her to essential tools but also gave her the confidence to pursue her new career. “Through the SGB VA course, I learned everything—from how to manage content to using collaborative tools like Google Workspace,” she said. Intan was particularly thankful for the community and the student advisors who kept her motivated throughout the course. “The advisors were amazing. They reminded me about lessons, deadlines, and always made sure I stayed on track,” she adds. Launching into Success After completing the SGB VA course, Intan launched her VA business and started offering her services as a Social Media Manager. She built her business from the ground up, handling everything herself—from content planning and creation to designing, copywriting, and even scheduling posts. “At first, I did everything manually. But with the tools I learned from the course, like social media scheduling features, it became more organized,” Intan explains. Her attention to detail and structured approach to managing social media accounts helped her stand out, making it easier for her to secure clients. Her first big break came when she connected with a client from Singapore—thanks to the recommendation from her alum friend. “That client in Singapore really set things in motion for me,” Intan recalls. From there, her network grew. She even connected with a friend who was living in Qatar, further expanding her reach as a remote worker that earns dollar. Although Intan admits that being a virtual assistant is not without its challenges, she appreciates the flexibility it offers. “What other job allows you to work while taking care of your kids, running a shop, or even lounging at home?” she says with a smile. The ability to balance her responsibilities at home with a professional career has been one of the greatest rewards of her VA journey. Today, Intan manages clients from across the globe and earns an income comparable to what she made in her previous job in Jakarta—all without the stress of commuting or adhering to rigid work hours. “I no longer have to deal with traffic or rush to catch a bus. I can attend meetings in my pajamas if I want to,” she says jokingly. For Intan, this journey has been more than just about earning money. It has been about personal fulfillment. “I didn’t become a VA just for the income. It’s about actualizing myself, doing something meaningful, and feeling like I’m contributing to the world,” she says. Ready to Follow in Intan’s Footsteps? Kickstart your VA journey with the SGB VA course! Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, our course provides a clear roadmap to help you build a successful VA career. At SGB VA, we’ll walk you through everything—from assessing your skills to offering practical lessons and ongoing support until you land your first client. By the end of the course, you’ll receive a certificate and gain access to our exclusive Telegram group for job support, so you’ll never feel alone on your journey. Curious to learn more? Start by joining our FREE WEBINAR with our expert mentor, Tania Gromenko. She’ll explain how to get started as a VA and how we can help you reach your goals. Click the link below to sign up! Kickstart Your VA Career Together with our mentor, Tania Gromeko, you will be guided to start a career as a virtual assistant.
Story of Ebi: From 8+ Years as a Nurse to Social Media Manager in the Medical Field

Story of Ebi: From 8+ Years as a Nurse to Social Media Manager in the Medical Field Esra Erika Social Media Specialist, Copywriter, Content Writer August 13, 2024 | Alumni Stories If you’ve left your 9-to-5 job to become a stay-at-home mom and feel the need to contribute to your family’s finances while being present for your child, you’re not alone. Many of our alumni have shared this concern and decided to give it a try. One of them is Ebi. She transitioned from being a nurse to a social media manager—sounds surprising, right? Let’s dive into the inspiring journey of Ebi, SGBVA Batch 18, who made this amazing shift. Table of Contents: Introducing Ni Kadek G. Pebriantari! You can call her Ebi! Ebi’s journey started with 8 fulfilling years as a nurse. When she was pregnant with her precious son, she made the decision to resign and follow her husband’s move from Bali to Bandung. After three years as a stay-at-home mom, she began thinking about her family’s future, including retirement savings, her son’s education, and family health expenses. “I want to help my husband financially, give my son a good education, and save for early retirement,” Ebi said. Beyond that, Ebi wanted to be a blessing to others while staying home to care for her son. “I wanted to make a positive impact, but I wasn’t sure where to start,” she shared. That’s why she started looking for ways to contribute to the household finances and began exploring remote jobs and relevant courses. A friend recommended the SGBVA course, suggesting it was a great fit for learning new skills for remote work. Ebi decided to give it a try, and it turned out to be the start of a new chapter for her. Now, as a social media manager working with two clients in the medical field, she’s thrilled to be helping others while staying at home with her child. Her Experience in SGB VA Before SGB VA, Ebi explored several courses, but none offered the depth and support she found with SGBVA. The program’s strong community and structured approach made a big difference. ‘I thrive in a structured environment, and SGBVA’s clear SOPs, deadlines, and penalties kept me on track. It was definitely worth the investment,’ she shared. After joining SGB VA, she realized she could do more than just nursing. The course equipped her with essential skills like social media and calendar management, giving her the confidence to start a new career. For the first time, she felt part of a truly supportive community where she wasn’t judged. ‘Here, everyone helps each other. This support really boosted my confidence,’ she said. Despite facing challenges with time management and balancing responsibilities, Ebi adapted quickly. Tasks that once took her 5 hours now take just 1-2 hours. With her husband’s invaluable support during busy times, she improved her time management and learned to handle her responsibilities more effectively. How did Ebi find her clients? How Ebi got her first client Surprisingly, Ebi landed her first client in the third week of the course. The doctor, an old friend, reached out after seeing her Instagram story about becoming a remote worker. “Can you help me manage my social media?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I’ll send you my rates. Do they work for you?” Ebi replied. “Yes, I don’t see any problem,” the doctor answered. “When are you available for a discovery call?” Ebi asked. And just like that, they started working together. The job involved boosting the doctor’s social media, which aligned well with Ebi’s background in medical subjects. After that, Ebi also secured another client by sending an elevator pitch via Instagram DM to five potential clients. One of them accepted. She has been working with these two clients ever since. Unpopular Opinion: Nurses can shine as Social Media Managers in the medical field “Nurses can greatly assist doctors with managing their social media because they understand medical terminology. As a social media manager, I can lighten the load for doctors by handling their social media with my medical knowledge. They only need to provide content ideas, and I’ll take care of the rest. Many doctors aspire to become influencers but don’t know where to start. With strong personal branding, they can enhance their visibility, build trust, and attract potential patients on Instagram. In this high-demand field, nurses who transition to social media management can make a significant impact,” Ebi said. Life changing moment of Ebi The biggest change in my life isn’t just about money but also about personal growth. I’ve started working on my own terms and have now found my true passion,” Ebi shared. Previously, she worked long hours, sometimes up to 18 a day. Now, she enjoys a flexible schedule—working just 2 hours a day or taking 4 days on followed by 3 days off. Most importantly, she can work while caring for her child at home. She once thought nursing was her only path, but now she’s exploring new areas. She’s learned graphic design, social media management, and copywriting, opening up exciting possibilities for her future. After landing clients, Ebi is happy that she can help others through the educational content she creates. She’s able to share insights on medical conditions, treatments, and health tips, providing valuable information and making a meaningful impact on those who read it. This is how she discovered her passion for social media management. From Ebi to stay-at-home moms who wants to work To all the moms out there, if you ever feel that inner voice telling you, “You need to work,” it’s okay to listen to it. Whether you’re thinking about becoming a Virtual Assistant or exploring another remote opportunity, learning high-demand skills won’t be in vain and can open many new doors you never imagined. Balancing remote work with motherhood has been incredibly fulfilling for me, and it could be just what you need too. Are you ready to start your remote career? Kickstart Your
Work from Home but Earn Dollars: Ardin’s Success Story in Getting 9 Clients

Work from Home but Earn Dollars: Ardin’s Success Story in Getting 9 Clients Oni Lestari Virtual Assistant, Copywriter, SEO Expert August 13, 2024 | Alumni Stories Do you want to work from home and set your own work hours? Or, do you want to switch careers so you can have more time with your family? Then you need to know the story of Ardin, a mother of two who decided to become a virtual assistant for business owners and leave her office job. Now she can work from home, set her own hours, and spend more time with her family. Through this article, Ardin will share her journey to becoming a virtual assistant and answer questions about: How to become a virtual assistant and get 9 foreign clients? How to manage time between work and family? How to face the challenges of being a remote worker? To find out the answers, let’s read it together! Table of Contents: Meet Ardin I am Ardin, alumni of SGB VA Batch 4, who graduated in August 2022. I used to work in an office. Like most people, I went to work at 8 am and came home at 5 pm. In 2022, I was pregnant with my second child and I did have a plan to stop working in the office. So, in the middle of my pregnancy, I prepared a business, so that even if I resigned later and became a stay-at-home mom, I would still have activities and income. But it turned out that the business went bankrupt. So, after giving birth, there was nothing else to do but to be with the children. And because I used to work before, I wanted to have activities when the children were sleeping, and I was confused, how can I work from home? Then I met an ad for SGB VA, which made me want to dive deeper into what a virtual assistant is. It turns out that virtual assistants are also businesses and can be flexible. Finally, I am now a virtual assistant. What is Ardin’s view on Virtual Assistant? At first, I thought virtual assistants were just ordinary freelancers, but it turns out there is a mindset that we need to form in order to be consistent as virtual assistants. That is, the mindset that we are business service providers, meaning that we are also business owners, which means that we must be proactive in looking for clients. So, when I was doing it, I felt “Wow, we are running a business, even though we work from home”. Virtual Assistants are very prospective because from year to year, business owners continue to grow. Many people want to become business owners, build businesses, build brands, and they need a team. Virtual Assistants are one of the options for business owners to have a team with efficient costs. They say that Virtual Assistants’ Income is Uncertain, is that True? For most people, virtual assistants are considered freelancers whose income is uncertain. But why is their income uncertain? Because we are business service providers. We are business owners, so when we approach potential clients, we are on the same level. We are partners, we are not their subordinates. That’s why virtual assistants can set their own hours. We can convey to the client, for example, “We are available 4 hours a day, and we respond quickly when contacted from this hour to that hour.” We have boundaries with clients. SGB VA equips me with the knowledge to thrive in a work-from-home environment. And because we set the time, we also set the income. About Niche and Service My niche is business owners and entrepreneurs. It’s still quite general actually. Many other friends are more focused, some focus on partnering with fashion businesses, or with FnB businesses, and there are also art businesses. For services, when I first became a virtual assistant, my services were admin and project management. Because I feel that I have to be a specialist if I want to be a virtual assistant. But when I went through it, I realized that it turns out that we can offer the service we like. And it turns out that with my journey as a virtual assistant, I have come to know what I like. So, my service now is virtual marketing assistant. Marketing is quite broad in scope. I’m still not that specific. Many people lean towards a specific service. Like content marketing, and social media marketing. And for me, it’s broad but the area is still marketing. How does Ardin approach potential clients? At SGB VA, we are taught to research potential clients’ businesses first. One example of research is to look at their website, Google reviews, and social media. This is how we can get insights. So, when I approach clients or even during discovery calls, I don’t just talk about “me” and my services, but I also provide value. I provide insights from my perspective as an outsider to their business. This can also show my abilities and what I can help with. I initially couldn’t imagine approaching clients through Instagram or LinkedIn. But eventually, I was able to get clients from there. To successfully approach potential clients, research is really important. And it does take time. But we must be sincere in wanting to help business owners grow their businesses. This is also what Tania teaches. For that, we need to find ways to improve their business. How does Ardin submit proposals to potential clients? For proposals, we can do some research about their business first. For example, I once approached a medical clinic. I looked at their Google reviews, and the reviews were good, up to 4.9/5 from 200 reviewers. However, it turned out that their Instagram and Facebook were not managed. Wow, that’s a shame. Their reviews and customers are that good, but their social media isn’t handled. Especially if it is managed, it will definitely be even better. So, we have to be smart in