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How to Build Self Confidence Right Away: 4 Ingredients to Achieve Success


How to Build Self Confience Right Away: 4 Ingredients to Achieve Your Success Oni Lestari Virtual assistant, copywriter, SEO-expert October 17, 2024 | Remote Work Tips Do you ever find yourself looking at others and feeling like they have everything figured out while you’re left questioning your every move? This ongoing struggle between self-doubt and self-confidence can be draining. But what if we told you that unshakeable confidence is within your reach? In this article, we will explore the root causes of self-doubt, the importance of embracing imperfections, and the process of cultivating self-love. Plus, we’ll provide practical tips on how to build self confidence right away. So, please read on! Table of Contents: Self-Confidence VS. Self-Doubt Self-confidence and self-doubt are like two sides of a penny. There’s a side when we want to start a new business, we might see success in the future. But on the other side when we want to do it, we’re afraid someone will ask “Your major is electrical engineering, why are you doing that?”. Or when we want to upload our content and grow personal branding, we’re afraid someone from our office will judge us. It’s like we have a thought that “Hey, this is the path, this is what you could go down” and there’s also a thought that tells us “No, don’t go, stay in the cave, stay in your comfort zone.” So, let’s discuss where that self-doubt comes from and how to build self-confidence. Learn how to build self confidence right away, silence that inner critic and unleash the power within, allowing you to confidently pursue your goals and dreams with these 4 steps. 1. Stop Overthinking 2. Stop Comparing Yourself We all fall victim to overthinking sometimes. But even though our thoughts are powerful, they are not always facts. Our brains are constantly generating thoughts to interpret the world around us. The problem is we often mistake these thoughts for reality. This is where self-doubt creeps in. That nagging voice telling us “You can’t do this” is fueled by negative thought patterns. It’s not our feelings or the situation itself, but the way we think about them, that creates our emotional state and potentially hinders our actions. If your inner critic comes in when you want to do something, you could challenge that thought by asking yourself, “Have I met most of the requirements? Can I learn the rest quickly?” Then you could take action by updating your knowledge, skills, and experiences, then doing what you need to do with confidence! But if you’ve met the requirements, just do it! Here’s why overthinking is counterproductive: Fear of failure: You need to keep in mind that you can’t predict the outcome of your work, failure or success is not in your hand. You can try again if you fail, but if you don’t try you have to live with the regret forever. Unrealistic expectations: You compare yourself to others and create unrealistic goals, setting yourself up for disappointment. Because there’s no such thing called overnight success. Perfectionism: The pursuit of perfection becomes a barrier to progress. It’s okay to start imperfectly and iterate as you go. As Reid Hoffman, co-founder of Linkedin, famously said, “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” Remember, self-doubt is a common human experience. By recognizing its source in your thoughts, and learning to challenge them, you can break free from overthinking and take control of your life. The age of social media highlights everyone’s “best life”, creating the illusion that others possess something mysterious we lack. Scrolling through Instagram feeds or comparing ourselves to colleagues can fuel the belief that “they have it all”, more money, time, or support. This constant comparison fuels negativity and makes us feel inferior. The truth is, constantly comparing ourselves to others rewires our brains for negativity. Our brains, wired for efficiency, tend to repeat patterns. The more we compare, the more rooted the negativity cycle becomes. It doesn’t matter if we just got a promotion or have a great relationship, that feeling of positivity can be overshadowed by underlying negative self-belief. External validation, like compliments or achievements, doesn’t create lasting confidence because it doesn’t address the root cause: our thoughts about ourselves. Instead of letting those negative thoughts simmer, acknowledge your feelings and then reframe them. Tell yourself, “Everyone has different strengths. Maybe I can learn from them and improve my own.” You could also congratulate them and ask for some pointers. Here’s how to stop comparing and build confidence: Shift your focus. Instead of comparing your journey to someone else’s highlight reels, focus on your path. Celebrate your progress, big and small. Challenge your thoughts. When the comparison monster whispers doubts, question its validity. Are these thoughts based on reality or just fear? Build confidence from within. Confidence comes from self-belief, not external achievements. Invest in activities that build your self-worth and positive self-image. And always remember that your life is a unique journey. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on becoming the best version of yourself. 3. Know Yourself, Know Your Worth How well do we truly know ourselves? In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in external distractions, constantly evaluating and comparing ourselves to others. We may find ourselves neglecting the most important journey of all: self-discovery. The truth is, life isn’t about what’s outside of us, but what’s within. When we focus too much on external factors, we lose sight of our true selves. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and lack of inner peace. The antidote to this is self-confidence. This is when we know and accept ourselves fully, we can navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. We can make decisions aligned with our values and live a life that is authentic and meaningful. When we truly know ourselves, we can accept our strengths and weaknesses, our unique personality traits, and our past experiences. This acceptance leads to

Define Work-Life Balance: What It Is and How to Achieve Yours

Define Work-Life Balance: What It Is and How to Achieve Yours Oni Lestari Virtual assistant, copywriter, SEO-expert October 17, 2024 | Remote Work Tips Who wouldn’t want to have a good work-life balance, right? If we define work-life balance, most people would probably describe it as having a career with a manageable workload, a great salary, and no need to work overtime. It’s everyone’s dream! However, many people feel that achieving work-life balance is impossible. This is often because many workplaces operate under the mindset that “a good employee is one who always works overtime” or that “a good employee is always available, even during vacation time.” But the truth is, you can achieve a healthy work-life balance. First, it’s important to understand what this really means. To help you get started, SGBVA has prepared an article just for you! Table of Contents The History of Work-Life Balance It’s important to know where things started and why to understand it better. So, let’s back to the moment when the concept of work-life balance was born. Work-life balance was started in the United Kingdom in the 80s as an issue in the Women’s Liberation Movement. This movement pushed for women to have the option of flexible work hours and maternity leave. At that time, people mostly expected women to have a career and still be in charge of the family and home. It relates to women’s role in male-female relationships when taking care of the house. Like cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and many more things. Women felt pulled in many directions because of the responsibility to handle both home tasks and a career. This is when the idea of balancing work and life became important. Work-Life Balance in This Era Things haven’t changed much. The expectation for women to work and take care of the family and home still seems pretty similar to what we see today. And with the technology changing, achieving work-life balance isn’t just a problem for women but becomes a challenge for everyone. Technology changes how we work Technology offers great flexibility and connectivity but also blurs the lines between professional and personal life. The existence of smartphones, email, and remote work tools means that workers are often expected to be available around the clock. It contributes to an ‘always on’ culture. In today’s competitive job market, many workers also worry about taking time off or saying no to more work. It relates to job insecurity because it makes people think they don’t care about the job. Rising expectations make them end up putting work before their personal life. All of that affects how millennials (1981-1996) and Gen Z (1997-2012) take their action and decisions regarding work-life balance. Work-life balance in today’s generation Millennials focus more on their lifestyle compared to older generations. But the main difference is that Millenials prefer jobs that match their values. They want to enjoy their work because they don’t see it as separated from their life. For them, life and work mix instead of being separated parts. And there’s Gen Z, who is just starting to work. It seems they want their jobs to be even more meaningful than millennials do. A study by Dynamic Signal found that they value having a community at work. When they pick a job, they care more about having a balance between work and life, and also about their happiness. Rather than about how much they make or the company’s reputation The Truth of Work Life Balance So, should you achieve a work-life balance? Some of you might think work-life balance is important, but even if you’re not perfectly balanced, that’s okay. Being imperfect at something doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It simply means you’re human. And if you believe that work-life balance is impossible, you might become a workaholic and continue being overwhelmed. Because, again, our beliefs and perception of work-life balance affect our mindset and actions about how we manage our time and what we think is possible. The important thing isn’t about whether work-life balance is true or not, but having a clear picture of the life you desire. How to Set Up Boundaries Now that we’ve learned about work-life balance, why it matters, and how people see it these days, let’s talk about how to achieve it. One way to do this is by setting clear boundaries. What is boundaries? Boundaries are something that makes us more present, not distracted, and give all the attention to what we care about. Without boundaries, work keeps expanding because there’s no stop time. When our focus is split between work and our personal life. We are unable to devote ourselves to either fully. Imagine when we’re having dinner with family or friends while checking phones constantly, worried about the project and other tasks. We might think it’s a productive way to do two things at the same time. But actually, we’re not paying attention to either because we’re not being present. After some time, it might seem like we’re always working and our work-life balance isn’t right even though we’re not getting more work done. It’s like we’re always working but there’s always more work left. This can be confusing and frustrating. So, here’s the step to make your boundaries more clear: Define your boundaries Don’t let someone define your boundaries, do it yourself. Because when you let someone else drive you, don’t be surprised if you don’t like the direction your time is taking. To do it, you need to make a visual of what condition you’re okay and not okay with. For example, if you’re a mom with a job and a family to take care of, you can ask yourself: ‘Am I okay doing work after my work hours are done?’‘Am I okay with canceling plans to work for an important client?’‘Am I okay with missing dinner and bedtime stories with my kids, to talk on the phone with my boss?’ Then, put them into a decision

Time Management for Working Moms: How to Manage Everything

Time Management for Working Moms: How to Manage Everything Oni Lestari Virtual assistant, copywriter, SEO-expert October 16, 2024 | Remote Work Tips Being a mother while also working can be exhausting. On one hand, you want to spend ample time with your children and family. On the other hand, you also want to be productive and earn an income to maintain your financial stability. Fortunately, remote working allows working mothers to stay productive while being available for their little ones. There are various job opportunities in remote working that can be tailored to a mother’s skills. To learn more about remote working for working mothers, check out this article! This article will provide you with a guide about time management for working moms, helping you navigate your schedule and establish priorities while taking care of yourself and your family. Table of Contents: Stay Motivated The first thing you need to do to stay productive and have good working mom time management is to find the motivation to start it. When you’re not motivated, remember ‘why’ you do things in the first place. Your ‘why’ is like a spark to start and fuel to continue. Think about your goals and the opportunities they can bring in your future. When you feel numb during your routine, pause a second and take a quick inventory of your ‘why’. Consider the benefits that the job can give you. Is it finding your dream of opening your own business? is it helping you save for an expected vacation, or does it enable you to provide your children with proper education? To help you gather thoughts about that, you can create a vision board. Finding the image that represents your why or you in the future to boost your spirits when feeling low. Working on To-Do List Make a to-do list to end your day feel accomplished and stay on track. As we know, humans can forget, and that’s why we should start making it. Here are the tips on how to make your to-do list work: 1. Write Your To-Do List Don’t write a to-do list in your head, instead write it down in your note. Because our mind is for having ideas not for holding them. So, if your to-do list is still in your head, choose the tools to write it down right now. 2. Simplifying To-Do List Simplify your to-do list by making it in one place to avoid confusion. Scattered lists make your brain doubt, and start to lose trust in it. Because instead of focusing on the things on the list, your brain will overdrive to continue remembering what to do next in fragmented notes. So, give your brain a break by simplifying. Whether you’re using a notepad, productivity app, or book, strive for consistency. 3. Make a Short To-do List Make a short to-do list and avoid the long one for two reasons. First, a long to-do list will leave you feeling defeated and overwhelmed at the end of the day. Because there is still a ton of stuff left on it. Second, a long to-do list often includes unnecessary tasks that you don’t need to do today. You can automate this kind of task with the routine, the technology, or delegating to someone else. Or, you can delete all those things and make it shorter. A short and realistic to-do list is the key to feeling accomplished at the end of your day. 4. Make Action-Based To-Do List Does your to-do list collection of nouns? like food, house, car, etc. When you write it, you might mean something like preparing food, cleaning the house, or servicing the car. Instead, of writing the detail, you keep it in your head. You can stop that habit and start to add a verb to your list. 5. Make Task-Based To-Do List Write a good to-do list based on tasks, not projects. In a project, there is more than one step to complete, such as organizing a webinar event. On the other side, a task is one action item in your list. So, instead of writing the project title and using a broad action, you can detail it. Such as contacting the speaker, booking the place, or preparing the food. With this, you can plan and prioritize, whether to do it today or tomorrow. It will make you less overwhelmed and achieve your daily to-do list perfectly. Set Priorities After you have all the things you need to do on the list. Then, what to do next in ‘working mom time management’ is to make a prioritization. Take a moment to scan your list and identify which items are the most important to your goals, whether it’s personal or professional goals. Write a number beside your list based on your priority. As a working mom, you also need to put your self-care on your list of priorities. Listen to your body, because when entering motherhood, your body will change after experiencing childbirth and breastfeeding. As most moms get less than an hour to themselves daily. Self-care will remind you in the end, that you’re not only a mom, a wife, or an entrepreneur, but you are also a person with needs and interests. To help you decide which one is more important than the other. You can consider using a prioritization matrix. It divides priority into 4 parts based on important and urgent aspects. Important tasks contribute to your long-term goals and overall success. And urgent tasks are time-sensitive and require immediate attention. Here’s how you can sort them: Important and urgent The first on your priority is important and urgent tasks. You should do this kind of task immediately. Important and not urgent The second on your priority is important and not urgent tasks. You can decide to put it on your schedule, but it’s better to do it immediately. Not Important and urgent The third on your priority is not important and urgent tasks. You can choose who can do this

Digital Nomads: How to Work and Travel at the Same Time?

Digital Nomads: How to Work and Travel at the Same Time? Vlad Badmaev Digital nomad with 3 years experience October 15, 2024 | Remote Work Tips Have you ever heard of the term “digital nomad“? A digital nomad is someone who works while traveling. Unlike typical employees who need to go to the office, digital nomads have become a trend today because of their flexible working hours and relatively high salaries. To learn more about digital nomads, you can read the article below! Table of Contents: Digital Nomadism Thousands of years ago, people led a nomadic lifestyle, moving from place to place depending on the season or availability of resources. Some peoples still live like this, in constant motion. In recent years, this has also become popular among remote workers. People who live in a state of constant travel are called digital nomads. You’re probably used to having a home – a place you constantly return to (and that’s great!). But digital nomads don’t have a home – they constantly move from place to place, changing cities and countries, and never staying long in one place.This is how I live now, starting from March 2021. The pandemic allowed me and many of my colleagues to work from home, so I started traveling – first every 3 months, then every month. Eventually, I moved out of my rented apartment and bought a one-way ticket. In this lifestyle, you’ll be able to see many interesting places, travel half the world, and meet amazing people. On the other hand, it requires more effort, nerves, and money – and constant travel can become tiring at some point. Are you ready to become a digital nomad? Let’s answer to these 4 questions. Do I need a remote job? Yes.Almost all digital nomads I’ve met work remotely, doing SMM, video editing, graphic design, or product development. But in reality, the list is much longer than it seems. You can also work remotely as a lawyer, sales specialist, psychologist, and even an English teacher! Is it hard to travel alone? No.For some people, traveling alone is more comfortable because you’re more free and can go wherever you want.However, it’s also worth noting that everyday problems are easier to solve if you’re traveling with a group of friends or a partner (including reducing your accommodation expenses). Plus, you’ll feel better in a foreign country if you have a companion to have fun with.On the other hand, traveling with children is much more difficult. Online education cannot replace live interaction with peers for your children, and it may be difficult to find a nursery, school, or football club in a new country. Is constant travel expensive? Not always.Yes, travel costs money, but there are many ways to save, such as: using flight aggregator websites like Skyscanner or Google Flights;using airline bonuses (free miles);participating in couchsurfing and staying with locals;choosing hotels away from tourist spots;participating in hotel booking loyalty programs like (for example, the Genius program offers discounts of up to 20% on hotels; The minimum amount with which you can be a digital nomad is $600 per month. And virtual assistants can earn this income if they have just 2 clients and work 2-3 hours a day. Can I live with just one suitcase? Yes.In fact, you don’t need many things for a comfortable life. It’s enough to have a few sets of underwear, shoes, and necessary medicines – everything else will either be in your room/rented apartments (towels, hairdryer, robe), or you can buy it on-site for a small amount. Travel teaches you to get by with little! Working While Traveling It should be noted that work during travel differs significantly, and opportunities are limited. Sightseeing and transfers are usually done on weekends to avoid problems with the work process. Here are some tips to avoid work issues: Always check the internet connection. It’s important to have a stable and fast connection. In case there are problems with the hotel Wi-Fi, get a local SIM card with a data package. Keep track of your schedule. If you’re moving to a country with a different time zone, inform your clients or colleagues about your schedule, and if necessary, reschedule meetings and conferences; Set up a workspace. Choose rooms that have a large, comfortable desk, a soft chair with a back (not a stool or an armchair), and good lighting; Ready to become one the Digital Nomads? Many of us dream of traveling, but in reality, it’s not always convenient. Some travelers miss home and family, while others tire of constant moving, and for some, travel can strain the budget. Plus, if you work full-time, you’ll likely spend most of your time in a hotel room. That said, traveling can be an interesting and exciting experience, and it’s worth trying at least once in your life. The most important thing you’ll need for this adventure is remote work! If you’re interested in remote work, consider a career as a virtual assistant. But what exactly is a virtual assistant? How can you earn money as one? Is there high demand for this role? Is it a well-paying job? Get answers to all these questions by joining our free webinar hosted by SGBVA mentor Tania Gromenko. She’ll share her secrets on how to: Start a virtual assistant business without prior experience Determine how much you can earn as a virtual assistant Identify the most popular services you can offer as a VA Become a successful VA in just five weeks and land your dream clients! You’ll also receive a free e-book titled “FAQ About Virtual Assistants” and gain access to the exclusive SGBVA Telegram community for virtual assistants, where you can find insights and tips to help you succeed as a VA.   Kickstart Your Remote Career! Join our free webinar and learn the five steps to becoming a Virtual Assistant. Start your dream career and become one of those “digital nomads”! Try Free Webinar Explore Premium Course

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5 Steps To Doing What You Love Remotely By Being A Virtual Assistant

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5 Steps To Doing What You Love Remotely By Being A Virtual Assistant

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