
Next SGBVA Course Batch 22 will be started on
19 Nov 2024. Reserve now.

Terms & Conditions

Gromenko & Partners Pte Ltd Terms and Conditions
For purchases via our website and/or live webinar, workshop, making payment, and filling out the student registration form You agree to the terms of this agreement which will bind You. We may revise these Terms & Conditions and You shall continue to be subject to such Terms & Conditions as amended, modified and/or substituted by us from time to time and published on our website. If You do not agree to these terms and conditions You must cease to continue to purchase any Services from us, and the utilisation and continued utilisation (upon an amendment, modification and/or substitution of the Terms & Conditions) of the Services by You shall be deemed acceptance of these Terms & Conditions by You. The headings in these Terms & Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation hereof.

Table of Contents:

    1. Definitions

    “Confidential Information” means the information provided by one party to the other in written, graphic, recorded, machine readable or other forms concerning the business, clients, suppliers, finances, and other areas of the other party’s business or products, including, without limitation, the Course Materials, but does not include information in the public domain other than through the default of the party disclosing the information, information required to be disclosed by any court or regulatory authority, or any information already in the possession or control of the disclosing party.

    “Course Materials” means the information provided by Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd to accompany a course provided as part of the Services in hard copy or electronic form.

    “Fees” means the fees paid by You to Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd for the Services.

    “G&P” means Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd

    “Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, rights in or relating to databases, patent rights, performers’ rights, designs and registered designs, trademarks, rights in or relating to Confidential Information, and other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) throughout the world.

    “Online Course” means the delivery by us of an online course pursuant to which You learn course materials remotely.

    “Services” means the provision of the Online Course and/or the Course Materials together with such other services as agreed upon from time to time and purchased by You through the Website or by telephone.

    “Website” means virtualsgb.com, sgbva.co, sgbva.net, sgbvirtualassistant.com, sgbvirtualassistant.co , sgbcourse.com, sgbvacourse.com, and sgbva.com

    “The Moderator” means the person in charge who contact and assist You to purchase and make payment until You finish all the payments.

    “You” means the individual purchasing the services.

    2. The Services

    2.1. A description of the Services together with the dates on which the Services will begin are available on our website and course handout.

    2.2. The Service is designed to be completed within a period of 6weeks.

    2.3 We expect You to confirm that the Services You are purchasing will meet Your needs. We do not make any guarantee to You that You will obtain a particular result, professional qualification, or employment opportunity from Your purchase and completion of any of the Services.

    2.4 G&P reserves the right to transfer, suspend, and/or terminate You or the Services with immediate effect from or to any or all classes in the event that You breach any provisions of the Terms & Conditions or the student registration form, as deemed by G&P in its sole discretion. In the event that You or the Services are terminated, G&P will not be under any obligation to return any deposit or fees paid to G&P.

    2.5 G&P reserves the right to do any or all of the following, in its sole discretion, as it may from time to time deem necessary, including but not limited to:

    (a) make all changes to the conduct of classes, including but not limited to, transferring, combining, dividing, or dissolving a class, changing the teachers or specialist trainers, rescheduling classes, and varying the manner in which classes are conducted; and

    (b) amend or vary the contents of the classes, according to program priorities and student needs. G&P may at its discretion where feasible, give written notice to You prior to effecting or carrying out any of the above changes.

    3. Ordering Services
    Payment Method
    When You want to pay the Fees, You can make payments using the official payment link or any payment method that has been verified by Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd and shared by the Moderator.
    Purchasing by Installments

    For You, who utilize the installment method to pay for the course, kindly be reminded that we have established a schedule. We sincerely hope that You can adhere to this schedule and make timely payments. Please find the schedule below:

    Course start date:

    • Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
    • 1st installment: Friday, August 16, 2024, at 13.00 SGT.
    • 2nd installment: Friday, August 23, 2024, at 13.00 SGT.


    Failure to make timely payments may result in removal from all groups and officials, leading to the forfeiture of all payments made. You agree that G&P has the right to terminate our services immediately, and G&P will not be under any obligation to refund any payments made to us.

    If You are from Indonesia, You have the option to make installment payments through AkuLaku, Kredivo, and UangMe subject to the following conditions:

    • There is no money-back guarantee (if You pay in full at Akulaku/Kredivo/UangMe).
    • Deposits may be withdrawn at G&P’s sole discretion if paid other than Akulaku/ Kredivo/UangMe.
    • Qualified by the Akulaku and Kredivo platforms.
    • Installment available 30 days, 3 months, or 6 months.
    4. Cancellation and Variations

    When You want to pay the Fees, You can make payments using the official payment link or any payment method that has been verified by Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd and shared by the Moderator.

    You may request a refund or transfer to the next batch (but only can be processed after you filled in the Transfer Batch Form or Refund Form) during the first week of the online course. The latest confirmation date is August 16, 2024, at 13:00 SGT. Please note that you may be offered the option to do a refund or transfer to the next batch, subject to availability and at our sole discretion. However, there are certain restrictions to be aware of:

    • We can’t proceed to refund or transfer to the next batch after August 16, 2024, for any reason. All payments that has been paid will be forfeited.
    • You can only request a transfer to the next batch (Batch 21). Another request for transferring batches cannot be granted. If you are unable to make it in Batch 21, all payments that have been made will be forfeited.
    • Refunds will be transferred by August 22, 2024.
    • Any payment using PayLater can not be refunded.

    4.2. Once you have accessed, downloaded, or started using the Online Course after August 16, 2024, your purchase is strictly nonrefundable.

    4.3. To upgrade your package, notify the Moderator and pay the difference in cost. Downgrades are only allowed during the first week of the online course the latest to confirm on, August 16, 2024, at 13.00 SGT and will result in a refund at the end of the course. Upgrades can be made at any time during the online course, subject to slot availability.

    4.4. We will not accommodate any requests for participant substitution once the course has started.

    4.5. No right to cancel or modify your purchase of services exists, except as specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2. All other cancellations or changes to course dates are subject to the sole discretion of Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd.

    5. Fees

    5.1. The Fees for the Services shall be as set out on the live webinar, student handout, or as told to You over the telephone by the Moderator. Confirmation will be sent to you in writing in the form of an invoice.

    5.2. Any fees charged by Your debit or credit card provider in connection with Your purchase of Services are for Your own account and Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd shall not be responsible for these.

    5.3. You shall be responsible for all costs You incur in connection with Your access to the Online Course. In consideration of our provision of the Services, You shall pay the applicable fees, together with the applicable goods & and services tax, withholding tax, or any other tax that may be levied by the relevant government authorities from time to time.

    5.4. In the event of the bank rejecting or failing to process an instruction or non-deduction howsoever occurring, we shall be entitled to levy a charge for the unsuccessful instruction/deduction and/or to exercise our rights under these Terms & Conditions in respect of nonpayment of fees.

    6. Liability

    6.1. No part of the provision of the Services shall be deemed to be, nor is it intended to be, nor should it be taken to be, the provision of investment advice.

    6.2. G&P and G&P’s trainers do not accept any liability for (i) any inaccuracy or misleading information provided in the programs or Course Materials and any reliance by Client on any such information, (ii) any loss or corruption of data, (iii) any loss of profit, revenue or goodwill, or (iv) any indirect, special or consequential loss arising from any breach of the terms of this Agreement. To the fullest extent permitted by law, You agree that neither G&P nor G&P’s trainers shall be liable for any loss, damages, expenses, personal injury, or death of any person that may arise as a result of the services provided to You whether direct or indirect and whether reasonably foreseeable or not unless such loss, damage, expense, personal injury or death is directly caused solely by the negligence of G&P and not attributable at all to any fault, negligence or lack of care on the part of You.

    6.3. Except to the extent that they are expressly set out in these terms and conditions, no conditions, warranties, or other terms shall apply to the Services. Subject to clause 6.5 no implied conditions, warranties, or other terms apply (including any implied terms as to the satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose, or conformance with description).

    6.4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Terms & Conditions, Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd’s total liability arising in connection with the delivery of the Service shall be limited to the Fees received by us in connection with the relevant Online Course for the material period of the Online Course in relation to which a dispute has arisen.

    6.5. You shall:

    (a) Indemnify, defend, and hold harmless G&P and its trainers from and against all loss, claims, demands, or causes of action and any liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses resulting therefrom (including expenses and legal fees on an indemnity basis) caused by, arising out of or relating to the breach of or non-compliance with any terms of these Terms & Conditions on the part of You or arising out of any wilful default, misconduct or negligence on the part of You; and

    (b) Indemnify G&P against any loss, cost, claim, and expense (including legal costs on an indemnity basis) that G&P may suffer or incur in protecting or enforcing any rights of G&P under these Terms & Conditions against You.

    6.6. No claim may be brought more than six months after the last date on which the Services concerned have finished or ceased to be provided by us.

    7. Intellectual Property

    7.1. All Intellectual Property Rights in the Course Materials, Online Courses and the speeches made by trainers at the Online Courses are, and remain, the intellectual property of Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd or its licensors, whether adapted, written for, or customized for the Client or not.

    7.2. You are not authorized to:-

    (i) copy, modify, reproduce, re-publish, sub-licence, sell, upload, broadcast, post, transmit or distribute any of the Course Materials without prior written permission;

    (ii) record on video or audio tape, relay by videophone or other means the Online Course given;

    (iii) use the Course Materials in the provision of any other course or training whether given by us or any third party trainer;

    (iv) remove any copyright or other notice of Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd on the Course Materials;

    (v) modify, adapt, merge, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer (save to the extent permitted by law) any software forming part of the Online Courses;

    Breach by You of this clause 7.2 shall allow us to immediately terminate these terms and conditions with You and cease to provide You with any Services, including but not limited to access to the Online Courses.

    7.3. In consideration of the Fees paid by You, we grant to You a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the Course Materials and the software in respect of the Online Course for the sole purpose of completing the Online Course.

    7.4 Prohibited Use: You agree not to sell any products or services within the online course, create any derivative online courses based on the course materials, or form any clubs or chat groups inside the course that provide possible financial benefit to the club or group, initiator, without the express wrote consent from Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd. Any unauthorized use of the course materials may result in the termination of Your access to the course and possible legal action.

    7.5 The Company reserves rights over any intellectual property from Your work in conjunction with the course. The Company may use Your name and work for promotional purposes.

    8. Confidentiality

    8.1. You shall keep G&P’s Confidential Information strictly confidential and not use it otherwise than for the purposes of these terms and conditions and shall return it on demand and not retain copies of it, and shall indemnify G&P against any breach of or default in respect of the same.

    8.2. Either party may disclose Confidential Information to its legal and other advisors for the purposes of obtaining advice from them.

    8.3. This clause shall continue notwithstanding termination of these terms and conditions.

    9. Termination
    9.1. We shall be entitled to terminate these terms and conditions and cease to provide You with any Services with immediate effect in the event that You, in our sole discretion:

    (a) Fail to pay when due Your Fees;

    (b) Act in an aggressive, bullying, offensive, threatening, or harassing manner towards any employee of Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd, any speaker or lecturer who provides the Online Courses, or any student who attends the Online Course;

    (c) Cheat or plagiarize any work which You are required to prepare or submit in connection with the Services or during any examination taken in connection with the Services;

    (d) Steal or act in a fraudulent or deceitful manner towards us or our employees or any other students who may be on our premises or attending our Online Course;

    (e) Intentionally or recklessly damage our property or the property of our employees or other students attending our premises;

    (f) Commit any criminal offense committed on our premises or where the victim is our employee or student;

    (g) Are in breach of these terms and conditions.

    9.2. On termination clauses 6 (liability), 7 (intellectual property rights), 8 (confidentiality) and 10 (restrictions) shall continue notwithstanding such termination.
    10. Assignment

    Any Services provided by us under these terms and conditions are personal to You and cannot be transferred or assigned to any other person.

    We shall be entitled to assign these terms and conditions to any other company without prior notice to You.

    11. Entire Agreement

    These terms and conditions, together with the Website Disclaimer and Course Specific Terms and Conditions are the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior agreements and arrangements, whether written or oral. You confirm that You have not relied on any representations in entering into these and any other terms and conditions with us. Nothing in this clause or terms and conditions shall limit liability for any fraudulent misrepresentation.

    12. Force Majeure
    Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd shall not be liable to You for any breach of its obligations or termination under these terms and conditions arising from causes beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, fires, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes and other Acts of God, terrorism, strikes, delay caused by transport disputes, failure to provide a course caused by a death in the trainer’s family, illness of the trainer, Government edict or regulation.
    13. Assignment
    We may assign, transfer, sub-contract any of our rights or obligations to any third party at our discretion.
    14. Data Protection

    14.1 The nature of the Services provided by us means that we will obtain, use and disclose (together “Use”) certain information about You (“Data”). This statement sets out the principles governing our Use of Data. By purchasing the Services, You agree to this Use.

    14.2 When You register with us You will need to provide certain Data such as Your contact details and demographic information. We will store this Data and use it to contact You, send You promotional content, and provide You with details of the Services You have purchased, and otherwise as required during the normal provision of the course.

    14.3 We may also use the above Data, and similar Data You provide us in response to surveys, to aggregate user profiles and, unless You click on the relevant button on the Registration Form, provide You with communications. We will not pass any personal data onto anyone outside of Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd.

    14.4 To enable us to monitor and improve our Services, we may gather certain aggregated information about You, including details of Your operating system, browser version, domain name, and IP address, the URL You came from and go to, and the parts of the Website You visit.

    14.5 We may use information such as your user ID, session identifiers, and password in our application/website if needed to identify whether you are using our services, assist with the provision of services, and ensure that you have access to relevant products. We will only read cookies from your cookie file that have been placed there through your web browser’s interaction with the website.

    14.6 Our products may link to third-party websites, and we are not responsible for their data policies or procedures or their content.

    14.7 Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd endeavor to take all reasonable steps to protect Your Personal Data but cannot guarantee the security of any Data You disclose. You accept the inherent security implications of being and transacting online over the internet and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security.

    14.8 Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd may supplement the information that You provide with information we receive from third parties, such as exam registration bodies or Your employer.

    14.9 The Company will use data in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act of Singapore 2012.

    14.10 If You wish to change or update the data we hold about You, please e-mail info[at]singaporeguide-book.com or contact us at +65 8694 5287.

    15. Law and Jurisdiction
    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms & Conditions must first be negotiated in good faith between the parties with a view to a resolution of such dispute. Each of the parties hereto irrevocably agrees that, if the dispute is not resolved within 30 days of the date of the dispute first arising, the courts of Singapore shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action or proceeding and to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with these Terms & Conditions and, for such purposes, irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts. All disputes and the resolution of such disputes (whether conducted through negotiation, litigation or otherwise) shall be strictly private and confidential between the parties.
    16. Notices

    You can contact us by any of the following methods:

    Email: info[at]singaporeguidebook.com

    Post: Gromenko & Partner Pte Ltd, with an address of 60 Paya Lebar Road, Paya Lebar Square #07-54, Singapore 409051

    Telephone: +65 8694 5287

    By making payment and filling out the student registration form, You are hereby acknowledging and agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined.

    © 2024 All rights reserved   |   Gromenko & Partners Pte.Ltd.

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